Muttering Pines Caesar

Muttering Pines Caesar

Learn how to make a Muttering Pines Caesar. All you need is some basic ingredients: Vodka (not gin), clamato, pickle juice, caesar spice, a dead deer, and to make it at godawful o’clock after a bunch of other beverages.

Stir your deers.

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  • Vodka
  • Walter's Extra Spicy Caesar Juice
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Pickle juice
  • Pepperoni stick
  • Caesar Rimmer


  1. Use a citrus wedge to moisten the lip of your glass and rim the glass in Caesar Rimmer
  2. Add ice
  3. Add vodka
  4. Add 4-5 dashes of worcestershire sauce
  5. Fill the glass with Walter's caesar mix
  6. Top up with pickle juice
  7. Shoot a deer
  8. Butcher the deer
  9. Cure the meat and make pepperoni
  10. Stir your caesar with the pepperoni
  11. Enjoy
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